Tools for documenting and deciding

‘CLINIBORG’ refers to calculators and spreadsheets I’ve been working on (and working with) for a while.

A few years ago I made an Excel spreadsheet to use in clinic. It’s kind of a monster that keeps getting bigger and changing as I’ve added to it and modified it. It’s got visual basic, so you’ll need to enable macros for some features to work. I’ve updated it on a few occasions in the past to fit the changing workflow of whatever facility I was working at at the time. Hopefully, it will help you get your work in clinic done. You can take it and modify it to your own needs. Updates about the Excel spreadsheet are here.

HTML calculators are nice to use in clinic, as well. You can save these calculators on your computer for offline use. The basic template for an HTML calculator is here. Updates about the HTML (JavaScript) calculators are here.


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